BluePrince Release Notes:
- View Version History will open an updated, nicely formatted Release Notes Notes document (.doc) instead of the old plain text document. (BluePrince Toolbar > Help > View Version History)
- QuickReports Link has been updated to go to (BlueReport > QuickReports)
- Sharing screens with BluePrince Support now quick and easy. Share Screen option now opens in default web browser and prompts BluePrince User for the Meeting ID from Support. (BluePrince Toolbar > Help > Share Screen)\
- QuickReport added to website. Building Permits with Permit Square Footage (5) - now includes Owner Name instead of Contractor Name
- on Paid Invoice / Receipt Printouts, lengthier Jurisdiction Names won't overlap the "Paid Receipt", "Due Invoices", "Paid Invoices" headings in top right.
- Training Mode HotFix - Works upon Client Install again.
- COMPATIBLE with LaserFische 9.1. (NOTE: BluePrince 2.9 is not backwards compatible with older versions of LaserFische)
- <<PropertyParcel>> now pulls Parcel Number instead of PIN Number. (Form Designer)
- <<RespPersonAddress> now pulls Responsible Party Address instead of Property Address. (LetterEditor)
- When creating a Permit or Project, if the Property is on a 'Soft Hold' an ALERT will notify the user the Property they are about to use on the New Permit or Project has a Soft Hold placed on it. This helps user's "flag" specific properties without placing them on a Hold. Soft Hold must be enabled per each User Account under BlueConfig to place a property on a Soft Hold. (BlueConfig > [+] User Accounts > Access Control)
- now has 'Owner Name' populated on the Inspection Entry Form
- > Manual Inspection Entry allows Result Field to be BLANK [by choosing .... Result Option] on Inspection Entry Form. Before choosing .... would result in WebRequests getting stopped by BlueFootService. Now, it allows a user to create a manual inspection without posting a result.
- Bug Fixes, performance issues, and back end software updated to latest versions.
BluePrince Support