BlueFoot Service

This is an updated (quick) step-by-step guide (cheat-sheet) on what to do when you encounter the BluePrince Connection Failure emails. First thing is first, users do not have to logout of the system at all! Users can continue to use BluePrince even with the connection to us being down. These emails are sent when: Your BluePrince server has not made an active connection to ours for at least one hour.

  • On your BluePrince server, go to Start -> Run and type in services.msc.
  • Navigate the list of services and find BlueFootService, right-click it and click Start
  • Give it a minute and check on the service status by right-clicking again and checking it.
  • If it's started, you are good to go. If possible, please confirm with us via email or phone that you are connecting.

However, if it looks like it's stopping or failing to start, we can try a few more thing(s):

  • Navigate to the directory where BlueFoot is installed (example: C:\Program Files\BUILDERadius\BlueFoot\)
  • Find and Open BlueFootConfig.exe.
  • A possible reason why you aren't connecting is the password was erased/removed.
  • If the password text-box is blank, you can re-enter the password, it's typically: walden
  • Click *Test* and make sure it's connecting. If it is, click Apply then OK. 
  • Go to services.msc, right-click and Start the BlueFootService
  • If it's started, you are good to go. If possible, please confirm with us via email or phone that you are connecting.

However, if it still is not connecting, we recommend that you attach to the Bluefootsvc.log file in an email to, typically located in  C:\Program Files\BUILDERadius\Log\. This file contains all information relevant to the BlueFootService and will let us know what is "blocking it" from starting. Other reasons it won't start are:

  • Bad Web Request (has a character or values that are stopping it from processing in the database)
  • Firewall or Anti-Virus that is blocking outgoing/incoming connections from and/or
If it's one of these -- making an exception for / takes care of it, or we remove the bad request on our end.

Once again, users do not have to logout of the system if you receive the connection failure notification emails.

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