Chapter 7 - BluePrince - Create New Zoning Permit

Chapter 7:  Create New Zoning Standard Permit

There are two types of Zoning Permits – Zoning Standard Permits and Zoning Relief Permits. Zoning Standard Permits, referred to within BluePrince as simply “Zoning Permits”, are used for typical Zoning review of new community development.  Zoning Relief Permits are used for special exception review, when community development is requesting a deviation from the standards.

BluePrince tracks and processes Zoning Relief as if it were a specialized Zoning Permit because the two have very similar data entry needs. The main differences between the two Permit Types are that the Relief Permit does not have Pre-Issue approvals, Inspections, Valuation, and limited Fee Calculations. See Chapter 8:  Create New Zoning Relief Permit  for details on creating a Zoning Relief Permit.


There are two ways you can create a new Zoning (Standard) Permit:

1.       From the Permits tab on the Project form, click the New button. You are given the choice of creating a Zoning (Standard) Permit or Zoning Relief. Choose Zoning Permit. The project's current step must be the one defined for the Zoning Department. This is the only step that allows Zoning (Standard) Permits to be created. When created this way, the New Zoning Permit form is pre-populated for you with the Project Name.

2.       From the BluePrince Main Tool Bar click on New Permit. A Sidebar menu opens with Zoning and Zoning Relief buttons. Click the Zoning button. When created this way, the first step on the New Zoning Permit form is to assign a project. You may only assign a project whose current step is the one defined for the Zoning Department.

Using either of these methods will open the New Zoning Permit form for generation of a new Zoning (Standard) Permit.


Required Fields

All required fields on the New Zoning Permit form are purple and underlined (see Figure 69).  The tabs that contain required fields are identified in the same way to give you a "heads up" that data is required on that tab.   The required data for a new permit are:

  • Project – each Zoning Permit must be associated with a Project.  It may be identified by either the Project Name or the Project ID.
  • Permit Type – each Zoning Permit must be identified as belonging to a particular type so that the associated data for that type is gathered and the associated checks are performed.  Permit Types are configured for each jurisdiction and project type.
  • Applicant – each Zoning Permit must have the applicant identified.  The applicant may be a Person, Contractor or Company.

Zoning Permit Form

Figure 68 -  Zoning Permit Form

Checking off Group Boxes

Data is organized in group boxes on each of the forms in BluePrince. A group box is recognized by an indented line surrounding related data fields. Examples on the New Zoning Permit form include Project and Origin. On the New Zoning Permit form the group boxes are designed so that BluePrince can fetch data and populate subsequent group boxes using the data you enter. This can save lots of time, but to make it work, BluePrince must force you to enter data in top down order. You can only enter data in one group box at a time and you cannot jump ahead. Only the current group box has editable fields.

Each group box, such as the Project group box, contains a check box in the lower right hand corner. Check it when you are finished with data entry for the group box and you are ready to move on to the next group box. This also tells BluePrince you are done with the group so it can go ahead and populate subsequent group boxes using the data you entered. If any Required Field is blank when you attempt to check a check box, BluePrince displays a message indicating the problem and then highlights the missing field.

Some group boxes are organized as tabs.  Examples on the New Zoning Permit form include Properties and Specifications.  For these group boxes, the check box is in the top right hand corner.

If you need to go back to edit a group box you will need to uncheck the group box which will wipe out the values you entered in that group box as well as any other group box that contained dependent data. The check boxes in those group boxes are automatically unchecked for you. Re-enter the data you want and continue on as before. You will automatically jump over any group box that was unaffected.

Data Entry Steps

New Zoning Permit data entry is discussed in this chapter’s sections Assign or Create a Project for a Zoning Permit to Apply Permit. The remaining sections discuss permit activities that arise after a permit has been created.

Assign or Create a Project for a Zoning Permit

To Create or assign a Project from the Zoning Permit form, enter the Project Name or ID and click the Assign button. This opens the Assign Project form. Rather than type in the full name, you can enter a partial name and the wild card character (*). If the project does not exist you can click New to create one.

If the project exists, select the row you want and click Use. You may still create a new project even if BluePrince found matching projects. Once you either create a new project or select an existing one, you are returned to the Zoning Permit form with the Project Name filled in for you. Check the Project check box to continue to the Origin group box.

Hint:  BluePrince only allows you to assign existing projects where the current step is the one defined for the Zoning Department. If a project is currently on a prior step that means the project has not met all of the requirements (addresses, approvals or fees) needed for you to accept a Zoning Permit application. If you create a new project, it cannot be assigned to the permit unless its first step is the one defined for the Zoning Department.


There are three fields in the Origin group box: Permit Type, Origin and Applicant. The Permit Type dropdown contains all the configured Zoning Standards permit types. Select the appropriate zoning standard Permit Type you need. The Origin dropdown contains all of the configured origins or reasons for requesting a zoning permit. Select the appropriate origin for the circumstances. The Applicant is pre-populated for you with the project Contractor. You can delete the name and assign a different Applicant as needed. Once you have selected a value for each of these check the Origin check box to continue to the Properties tab.


Properties that already exist on the project are automatically added to the Zoning Permit for you. If any of these are not applicable to the Zoning Permit you can remove them. Select the property you wish to remove and click the Remove button. Note that you cannot Remove the Primary property as indicated by the 'Y' in the Primary column.

To add a new Property to the permit enter the Address, PIN or Location you want at the bottom of the screen and click the Assign button. Select the Property you want from the Assign Property form and click the Use button. You are returned to the Zoning Permit form and the selected property is in the Properties table.

Hint: The Zoning Districts must be the same for all the properties you assign to the permit. If the Zoning Districts differ, you will not be allowed to assign the property. If this happens find the property again using the Assign button to open the Assign Property form. Select the property you want and click Details. This opens the Property Form. Click Edit Mode and then click on the Zoning tab. Add or Remove Zoning Districts appropriately and click Save and Close. Back on the Assign Property form, click the Use button to assign the corrected property to the zoning permit.

Once you have specified all the properties, select a Primary Zoning District from the dropdown provided (see Figure 69). Check the Properties check box to continue to the Specifications tab.

Zoning Permit: Properties Tab

Figure 69 - Zoning Permit: Properties Tab


The Specifications Tab is used to list the measurements and regulations that apply to this particular zoning permit. These measurements and regulations (or specifications) are configured according to Zoning District.

The Properties Tab required you to select a Primary Zoning District. All of the configured measurements and regulations for the Primary Zoning District and all of the Overlay districts on the Properties are available for selection using the buttons described below. You may select all, some or none of these specifications as circumstances require (see Figure 70).

Zoning Permit: Specification Tab

Figure 70 - Zoning Permit: Specification Tab

Hint:  Properties can have multiple Primary Zoning Districts, but only one of these can be selected for the zoning permit. This means the specifications for the other Primary Zoning Districts cannot be seen or selected. Use the buttons described below to view the configured specifications and select the ones that apply to this particular zoning permit:

  • Select District Meas(urements)
  • Select Setbacks
  • Select Signage
  • Select Use Class
  • Select Parking (becomes available once you specify Use Class information)
  • Select Loading (becomes available once you specify Use Class information)
  • Add Spec

Each of the buttons open a check box entry form that displays the corresponding regulations for the Primary Zoning District and the Overlay districts(indicated by **). Those already selected are checked. Check or uncheck the regulations that apply and click Save to return to the Zoning Permit form. The Specifications Table will be populated with the regulations you specified (see Figure 71).

Zoning Permit: Spec Tab: Measurements

Figure 71 - Zoning Permit: Specifications Table

The Specifications Table accepts data entry directly in the grid. You can make note of Existing Conditions and Proposed Conditions with regard to each regulation. You can also record a Disposition and make more general Notes for each regulation. These values are not required for the Zoning Permit application.

The measurements and regulations available for each button are listed below:

District Meas(urements)

Each Zoning District is configured with 3 measurements: Impervious Surface Ratio, Max Building Height, and Open Space Requirement.


Each Zoning District can be configured with a set of Setbacks for: Back, Front, Side, Corner, and Street. Each of these can also have a direction: N, E, S, W, NE, NW, SE, and SW.


Each Zoning District can be configured with any number of Sign Types. Each Sign Type has a regulation for Number, Size, Height, Location and Description.

Use Class

Each Zoning District can be configured with any number of Use Classes. Each Use Class can be designated as Permitted, Conditional, require a Special Exception or Prohibited for the Zoning District. Furthermore each Use Class has set of regulations: Minimum Lot Width, Minimum Lot Area, and Density.

Parking Spaces

Each Use Class can also be configured with any number of Parking Space regulations. Each Space Type has an associated Aisle Size, Size and Number.

Loading Berths

Each Use Class can also be configured with any number of Loading Berth regulations. Each Berth Name has an associated Type, Size and Number.

Add Spec

If you have a specification that isn't listed within one of the above categories you can add a manual specification. To do so, click the Add Spec button. A row will be added at the bottom of the Specifications Table with a drop down box in the Name column. Select a name from the dropdown (District Spec, Setback, Signage, Use Class, Parking or Loading). After that you can double click on the Regulation column in that row to add your measurements or regulations.


Once you have added any needed specifications check the Specifications check box to continue to the Inspections tab or the Valuation/Fees tab. If all of your Zoning Inspections were configured to be automatically added to the permit, BluePrince will do so and jump to the Valuation/Fees tab.


If at least one inspection has been configured as "Auto-Create", BluePrince will automatically add these inspections to the permit for you and jump to the Valuation/Fees tab. If none of the inspections configured for the permit are "Auto-Created", BluePrince opens the Inspections tab. To add inspections to the Zoning Permit click Add. The Available Inspections for Zoning Permit Type form is opened showing all of the possible inspections that were configured for the Zoning Permit Type (see Figure 72).

Zoning Inspections

Figure 72 - Available Zoning Inspections for Permit Type

To add inspections to the Zoning Permit click Add. The Available Inspections for Zoning Permit Type form is opened showing all of the possible inspections that were configured for the Zoning Permit Type. Check off the inspections that are needed in the Use Column for the Zoning Permit and click Save to return the Permit form. Note that if you check an inspection that is already on the displayed table, by default, that inspection will be added as a Re-inspection. You can however uncheck the Re-Insp column check box to add the inspection, but not as a Re-Inspection. The checked inspections are displayed in the table on the Inspections tab. Check the Inspections check box to continue to the Valuation and Fees group box.

Valuation and Fees

If Zoning fees are based on the Valuation Amount, Number of Dwelling Units or a Specific SqFt value, you must provide those values on the Valuation/Fees tab. Simply enter a Valuation Amount in the edit box provided. Once the Zoning Permit’s status has been changed to Applied, the Amend button becomes enabled for you to use to change the valuation if needed.

If other fee calculation methods require specific input, they will be listed in the table on the tab. Enter the values required directly into the table. After you are satisfied with the values you have provided, click Calculate to open the Fee Calculation form (see Figure 73).

Zoning Permit Fee Calculation Form

Figure 73 - Fee Calculation Form for Zoning Permit

The Fee Calculation form displays all of the fees configured for the Zoning Permit Type and includes the Fee Calc(ulation) Method for each fee. If an optional fee is needed to be assessed you will need to check off that fee/row in the R column. Fee Calc Methods Manual and Fixture have buttons in the Calc Data column that say Enter or Calculate that require your input. When you click Enter the Add Fee form opens. Enter the manual fee and click Save to return to the Fee Calculation form. When you click Calculate the Fixture Entry dialog opens. Enter the Quantity directly into the table for each fixture that is applicable to the permit.  When complete, click Calculate Total and click Save to return to the Fee Calculation form.

Upon return to the Fee Calculation form, the SubTotal column contains the manually entered fee and the calculated fixture fee. Other fee types are calculated using a table lookup with the Valuation Amount or a Square Foot (Sqft) dimension entered back on the Valuation/Fees Table. These Fee Calc Methods have a Details button in the Calc Data Column. When you click this button, the Fee Lookup form opens to display the details of how the fee was calculated. You can print this form if needed.

Back on the Fee Calculation form, the Add New Fee and Add New Fixture buttons allow you to do so now or after the permit is Applied. You may Void or Waive fees only after a Zoning Permit is Applied. While there are still any Due fees on a permit you can click Recalculate New Fees to delete due fees and start over with fee calculations.

Any fee with a Sub-Total of $0 will be removed from the permit after it is Applied. Click Save to save the Fee Calculations and return to the Zoning Permit form. The Due and Balance Due amounts are updated from the Fee Calculation form. Check the Valuation/Fees check box to continue to the Dates group box.

Approvals and Dates

This tab lists all of the Pre-Issue approvals that were configured for the Zoning Permit Type you selected. These are automatically created for you and require no further input (see Figure 74).

Zoning Permit: Approvals/Dates Tab

Figure 74 - Zoning Permit: Approvals/Dates Tab

The Plan Date is available for you to enter the date when Plans were submitted for review. You are not required to set a Plan Date before the Zoning Permit is Applied. The Expires Date can be set manually at this time; however, if you leave it Not Set it will default to the permit expiration criteria configured upon Applying the permit. Check the Dates check box to continue to the Status group box to Apply the permit.

Custom Fields

If no custom fields have been configured for this Permit Type you will skip over this group box. However, if any custom fields have been configured, required or not, you will have to visit this group box. All required fields must be filled out at this time, but you can come back to this Custom group box and edit any fields later. Check the Custom check box to continue to the Status group box.

Apply Permit

At this point you are ready to apply the permit. Take a moment to review the permit data and if corrections are necessary see the section on Backing Up/Making Corrections below. If the permit application is satisfactory, click Apply.

Note how the Zoning Permit form appears after you Apply the permit. The top bar shows the Permit Number, the Status is Applied, the Status button now says Issue; the Hold/Void, Reject and Edit Mode buttons are also now available. The Group check boxes are no longer needed and are not displayed.

Once a Zoning Permit is Applied the Invoice/Refund button on the Valuation/Fees tab is highlighted for you when you open the form until the fees have been paid. BluePrince assumes that marking fees paid is the next step before you begin doing inspections. After the fees have been paid, the Inspections tab is highlighted for you when you open the form. Click Close when you are finished with the Zoning Permit application.

Backing Up/Making Corrections

At any point during data entry for the Zoning Permit you can back up to a previous group box and make a change. When you reach the group box you want to change un-check the check box.

BluePrince may erase some of the group boxes that follow the one you unchecked. This is because the group you have decided to change affects the calculations or processing in the groups that get erased. 

Zoning Permit Operations

Once a Zoning Permit’s status has been changed to Applied, there are a number of tasks that may be necessary to perform on the Zoning Permit. Examples are: approving Pre-Issue approvals, Adjusting the Valuation, Creating and Posting Invoices, Inspection Operations and issuing the Zoning Permit. These tasks are described in the following sections.

To work on the Zoning Permit you must first retrieve the Zoning Permit record you want. Zoning Permit records are accessible from the Project, Inspections and Search forms.

Adjust Valuation

To change the Valuation, click Amend on the Valuation/Fees tab in Edit Mode. This opens the Amend Valuation Dialog (see Figure 75).

Amend Valuation Dialog

Figure 75 - Amend Valuation Dialog

Enter the New Valuation and click Save to return to the Zoning Permit form. Then click the Fee Details button to review any Fee adjustments that might have occurred because of the change in valuation. Three new Calc Methods may be created, Adj(ust) Valuation, Adj(ust) % of Valuation, and Adj(ust) % of Total because of the valuation change. These fees may be plus or minus so that the total of the previous fee plus the adjustment reflects the correct fee.


  • Total of Adj Valuation (Lookup)+ Valuation (Lookup)
  • Total of Adj % Valuation + % Valuation
  • Total of Adj % of Total + % of Total


result in the correct Valuation Lookup, % Valuation and % of Total respectively.

It's possible for these adjustments to be $0, in cases where the change in Valuation results in no change to the fees.

Fee and Invoice Operations

Once a Zoning Permit is Applied, the Invoice/Refund button on the Valuation/Fees tab is highlighted for you whenever you open the form until the Balance Due is $0. BluePrince assumes that marking fees paid is the next step until the permit has a Balance Due of $0.

If your Jurisdiction is not using BluePrince Accounting the label on the Invoice/Refund button reads Invoice. Click this button and follow the procedures in Chapter 13, Section "Processing Payments" below.

If your Jurisdiction is using BluePrince Accounting, click the Invoice/Refund button to open the Account Holder's Account form. The Non-Invoiced Fees tab is highlighted for you. You can create an invoice for permit fees using the procedures in Chapter 14, Sections - "Account Form Overview" (Non-Invoiced Fees tab) and "Zip Thru Accounting" below.

Approval Operations

To approve an approval, or to see approval details, select a row in the table on the Approvals tab and click the Change Status or Approval Details button.

Hint:  The Change Status button changes to Approval Details when the approval you select no longer has status Needs Review.

If your User ID is not configured to approve a particular approval, you cannot change the approval's status or make notes on the approval. If this is the case, a message in red text appears that tells you that your User ID cannot change the approval when you select that approval in the table. You CAN click the Change Status button to view details about the approval you selected, however. 

When you select an approval in the table and click the Change Status button, the Approval Entry form opens. If you have access to approve the specified approval you are able to select a new status, add comments and add notes. Comments added to the Public Comments tab are available for view from the Online Project Pages while comments made on the Private Comments tab are only visible to those with access to BluePrince. Make the necessary changes on this form then click Save when you are finished. The table on the Approvals View form is then updated with a new Status, ID, Approve Date and Comments.

You may go back at a later time and change the status of any approval to any of the other status values as needed; they are as follows:

  • Approved
  • Hold
  • Needs Review
  • Rejected
  • Canceled


If you need to communicate with the applicant at this time and an email address has been saved in BluePrince you can click on the Send Message button.  This will open your email client with the email already addressed to the applicant. 

Hint:  All approvals must have a status of Approved or Canceled for the Zoning Permit to be issued. A Canceled approval is treated as not needed for the Zoning Permit.

Inspection Operations

Zoning Permit Inspections differ slightly from Building Permit Inspections:

  • You are always able to Request, Schedule, and Enter Results on a Zoning Inspection BEFORE the Zoning Permit is Issued. Typically, for a Building Permit, Inspection processing happens AFTER the Building Permit is Issued.
  • Passing a FINAL Zoning Inspection does not Complete (or Issue) the Zoning Permit, as it can for a Building Permit.
  • BluePrince assumes Zoning Inspections will be initiated by the Zoning Department. They are intended to record site visits for gathering information that is needed to determine if the Zoning Permit should be issued. Inspections can be managed on the Inspections tab of the Zoning Permit form. Find the Zoning Permit you want from the Project or Search forms and open the Inspections tab.

Add, Remove Inspections  

To add inspections to the permit click Add. This opens the Available Inspections for Zoning Permit window (see Figure 76). This window shows all the inspections for the Permit Type. Check the inspections in the Use Column that you want to add. Note that if you choose an inspection that already exists on your permit, by default it will be added as a Re-inspection as noted by the check in the Mark as Re-Insp column. However, you can un-check the Mark as Re-Insp column in order for the inspection to not be added as a Re-inspection.  You may also select all or none of the inspections by pressing the Select All or Select None buttons at the bottom of this window. Once you have selected the appropriate inspections for addition to your permit click Save to add those inspections and return to the Permit form. The checked inspections will be displayed in the table on the Inspections tab.

Zoning Permit Available Inspections

Figure 76 - Available Zoning Inspections for Zoning Permit Type

To remove an inspection, select the Inspection in the bottom table and click Remove. The inspection is then removed from the table.

Request, Schedule, Cancel Inspections

To Request and/or Schedule an Inspection, select the inspection you want in the table of the Inspections tab and click the Request button to open the Inspection Request form (see Figure 77).

Zoning Inspection Request Form

Figure 77 - Zoning Inspection Request Form

The Inspection Request form allows you to enter in a Request Date and Time. These values are automatically populated with today's date and the current time. These represent the date and time the Zoning Department initiated the scheduling of the inspection.

The Desired Date and Time have default values of today and 9:00 AM. Use these if you need to coordinate a site visit with a contractor. 

Enter any Special Instructions that you want to be reminded of when you make the inspection. At this point if you click Save the Inspection is saved with a Status of Req (Requested). You can assign the Inspection by making a selection from the Inspector drop-down. If you click Save when there is a value in the Inspector drop-down, the Inspection is saved with a Status of Asgn (Assigned). You can also Schedule the Inspection after assigning an inspector or district by clicking the Set button. This brings up the Scheduled Date and Time fields. The Scheduled Date and Time also have default values of today and 9:00 AM. You will probably want to change these values since they represent the actual date and time that the inspector is scheduled to make the inspection. Now, if you click Save the Inspection is saved with a Status of Sched (Scheduled). Saving the request returns you to the Zoning Permit form. On the Zoning Permit form, whenever a Requested, Assigned, or Scheduled inspection is selected, the Request button changes to Cancel. This allows you to cancel the requested or scheduled inspection. Clicking Cancel does not remove the inspection, it resets the inspection back to having no status, which allows it to be requested at a later time.

Inspection Details and Results

To View Inspection Details, Enter Inspection Results, or Schedule a Requested Inspection, select the row you want in the table on the Inspections tab and click Details to open the Inspection Entry form (see Figure 78).

Zoning Inspection Entry Form

Figure 78 - Zoning Inspection Entry Form

On the Inspection Entry form, the upper left window labeled Permit Reference will display information related to the permit that this inspection is associated with. You will see that the upper right side of the form is exactly the same as the Inspection Request form. You can modify the Request or Desired Dates, Special Instructions or Schedule/Reschedule the Inspection by selecting an Inspector from the Assign box.

You may also enter Inspection Results on the Results tab at the bottom of the form. Click the Results tab, select the appropriate inspection status from the Status drop-down. The available status values are Needs Correction, Partial Pass, In Progress (only if your jurisdiction has configured this) and Pass. In Progress is used to identify the inspection is still 'open' and while the inspector may revisit the site to re-inspect, no Re-inspection is actually created in BluePrince. On the other hand, if an inspection is marked Needs Correction or Partial Pass BluePrince will automatically create another inspection record for you in the background. This inspection will appear in the bottom table when you return to the Inspections form. Also, if a Re-inspection fee has been configured for the Permit Type and a status of Needs Correction or Partial Pass is selected the Fee check box to the right becomes enabled. In some situations you may not need to apply the fee, so BluePrince gives you the option to uncheck this box if you choose. If the box is checked however, the permit Account Holder will be charged the re-inspection fee. 

Enter any Correction Notes in the Comments (Publicly Accessible) area. BluePrince makes these notes available to Contractors who have Signed-Up for On-line Project Pages. To enter any private notes you do not want the contractor to see, use the Notes tab. On the Results tab, you may enter any of the optional fields that your Building Department uses to track Inspection activity. Inspection Date, Start and End Times, Vehicle ID, and Odometer, are all fields that are available for your use if you so choose. Also, if any custom fields have been configured for the inspection data can be entered on the Custom tab. Click Save, to save the Inspection with a Status of Needs Correction (NC), Partial Pass (Ppass), In Progress (InProg) or Pass then click Close to return to the Zoning Permit form. 

Decision Operations

A Primary Decision and Decision Date must be entered on the Decision tab of the Zoning Permit before the permit can be Issued. There is an optional Secondary Decision and Date that if configured must also be entered in order to Issue the permit. Both Decision makers’ titles are configurable and the Conditions section is optional to fill out (see Figure 79).

Zoning Permit: Decision Tab

Figure 79 - Zoning Permit: Decision Tab

Issue Permit

To issue a Zoning Permit click the Issue button. To issue a Zoning Permit the following must be true:

  • The Balance Due must be $0 if Permit Type is configured as Pay Before Issue.
  • All inspections must be passed.
  • All Pre-Issue approvals must be Approved or Canceled.
  • A Decision and Decision Date must be entered on the Decision tab of the Zoning Permit form.

When the Issue button is clicked, the permit status changes to Issued.

Reject Permit

You may need to reject a Zoning Permit due to non-compliance with your zoning regulations. To Reject a Zoning Permit click the Reject button. You will see a Confirmation Dialog.

Rejecting a Zoning Permit causes the following changes:

  • All Scheduled Inspections are Canceled
  • All Pre-Issue approvals that Need Review are Canceled.
  • All Due fees and Invoices are Canceled
  • The Zoning Permit can no longer be changed.

The Notes Dialog opens for you with appropriate key words already entered in the Note. Enter a reason for rejection if you desire and click Save.

Hint:  It is important to leave the keywords "REJECT APPLIED" in the note because these can be used to locate the note on the Notes tab.

Hint:  You can decide to cancel rejecting the permit by clicking the Cancel button on the Notes form. This closes the Notes form and returns you to the Zoning Permit form with no changes to the permit status.

When the permit is Rejected, the Reject button reads Un-Reject so that, at a later time, you can Un-Reject the Zoning Permit to make changes or to re-evaluate the Zoning request. Click it to return the Zoning Permit to its previous status. Again, the Notes Dialog opens for you with appropriate key words already entered in the Note. Enter any other comments and click Save.

Hint:  It is important to leave the keywords "REJECT REMOVED" in the note because these can be used to locate the note on the Notes tab.

Hold Permit

To put a Zoning Permit on Hold click Hold. You will see a Confirmation Dialog. The Notes Dialog opens for you with appropriate key words already entered in the Note. Enter the reason for the Hold and click Save.

Hint:  It is important to leave the keywords "HOLD APPLIED" in the note because these can be used to locate the note on the Notes tab.

Hint:  You can decide to cancel putting the permit on Hold by clicking the Cancel button on the Notes form. This closes the Notes form and returns you to the Zoning Permit form with no changes to the permit status.

When the Zoning Permit is on Hold, the Hold Button reads Undo Hold. Click it to remove the Hold and return the permit to its previous status. Again, the Notes Dialog opens for you with appropriate key words already entered in the Note. Enter any other comments and click Save.

Hint:  It is important to leave the keywords "HOLD REMOVED" in the note because these can be used to locate the note on the Notes tab.

Void Permit

To Void a Zoning Permit click Void. You will see a Confirmation Dialog. The Confirmation Dialog explains what will happen to outstanding fees, approvals and inspections if you void the zoning permit. When you click Yes the Notes Dialog opens for you with appropriate key words already entered in the Note. Enter the reason for the Voiding the permit and click Save.

Hint:  It is important to leave the keywords "VOID APPLIED" in the note because these can be used to locate the note on the Notes tab.

Hint:  You can decide to cancel Voiding the Zoning Permit by clicking the Cancel button on the Notes form. This closes the Notes form and returns you to the Zoning Permit form with no changes to the permit status. When the Zoning Permit is Void(ed), the Void Button reads Undo Void. Click it to remove the Void status and return the Zoning Permit to its previous status. Again, the Notes Dialog opens for you with appropriate key words already entered in the Note. Enter any other comments and click Save.

Hint:  It is important to leave the keywords "VOID REMOVED" in the note because these can be used to locate the note on the Notes tab.

Complete Permit

To manually Complete a Zoning Permit click the Complete button. BluePrince will automatically complete a Zoning Permit for you when the project completes.

Edit Mode

To make corrections any time after the Zoning Permit is Applied, click Edit Mode. The Zoning Permit form enables the fields you can change with a white background.


Once the permit is Applied you can click Print in the upper right corner of the Zoning Permit form to print any pre-configured print templates. 

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